
  1from neo4j_uploader._logger import ModuleLogger
  2from neo4j_uploader._queries import specification_queries
  3from neo4j_uploader._n4j import reset, upload_query, validate_credentials
  4from neo4j_uploader._upload_utils import upload_nodes, upload_relationships
  5from neo4j_uploader.models import UploadResult, Neo4jConfig, GraphData
  6from neo4j_uploader.errors import InvalidCredentialsError, InvalidPayloadError
  7from neo4j_uploader._conversions import convert_legacy_node_records, convert_legacy_relationship_records
  8from timeit import default_timer as timer
  9from warnings import warn
 10import json
 12# Specify Google doctstring type for pdoc auto doc generation
 13__docformat__ = "google"
 15def start_logging():
 16    """
 17    Enables logging from this module. Log level matches the existing log level of the calling module.
 18    """
 19    logger = ModuleLogger()
 20    logger.is_enabled = True
 21"Neo4j Uploader logging enabled")
 23def stop_logging():
 24    """
 25    Surpresses logging from this module.
 26    """
 27    ModuleLogger().info(f'Discontinuing logging')
 28    ModuleLogger().is_enabled = False
 31def batch_upload(
 32        config: dict | Neo4jConfig,
 33        data : dict | GraphData,
 34    ) -> UploadResult:
 35    """Uploads a dictionary containing nodes, relationships, and target Neo4j database information. The schema for nodes and relationships is more flexible and comprehensive than the schema for the earlier upload function.
 37    Args:
 38        config (dict or Neo4jConfig): A Neo4jConfig object or dict that can be converted to a Neo4jConfig object for defining target Neo4j database and credentials for upload.
 39        data (dict or GraphData): A GraphData object or a dict that can be converted to a GraphData object with specifications for nodes and relationships to upload
 42    Returns:
 43        UploadResult: Result object containing information regarding a successful or unsuccessful upload.
 45    Raises:
 46        neo4j.exceptions: A Neo4j exception if credentials are invalid or database can not be accessed.
 47        InvalidCredentialsError: If credentials are missing or malformed.
 48        InvalidPayloadError: If payload schema is missing or unsupported.
 49    """
 51    try:
 52        cdata = Neo4jConfig.model_validate(config)
 53    except Exception as e:
 54        raise InvalidCredentialsError(e)
 56    # Will raise a neo4j.exception if credentials failed or database can not be accessed
 57    validate_credentials((cdata.neo4j_uri, cdata.neo4j_user, cdata.neo4j_password))
 59    try:
 60        gdata = GraphData.model_validate(data)
 61    except Exception as e:
 62        raise InvalidPayloadError(e)
 65    # Start clock for tracking processing time
 66    start = timer()
 67    total_nodes_created = 0
 68    total_relationships_created = 0
 69    total_properties_set = 0
 71    # Get list of tuples containing queries and accompanying params for driver execution
 72    query_params = specification_queries(gdata.nodes, cdata)
 73    query_params.extend(specification_queries(gdata.relationships, cdata))
 75    for qp in query_params:
 76        # Run queries and retrieve summary of upload
 77        summary = upload_query(
 78            creds = (cdata.neo4j_uri, cdata.neo4j_user, cdata.neo4j_password),
 79            query = qp[0],
 80            params = qp[1],
 81            database = cdata.neo4j_database
 82        )
 84        # Sample summary result
 85        # {'metadata': {'query': '<query>', 'parameters': {}, 'query_type': 'w', 'plan': None, 'profile': None, 'notifications': None, 'counters': {'_contains_updates': True, 'labels_added': 17, 'nodes_created': 17, 'properties_set': 78}, 'result_available_after': 73, 'result_consumed_after': 0}
 87        # {'metadata': {'query': "<rel_upload_query>", 'parameters': {}, 'query_type': 'w', 'plan': None, 'profile': None, 'notifications': None, 'counters': {'_contains_updates': True, 'relationships_created': 1, 'properties_set': 2}, 'result_available_after': 209, 'result_consumed_after': 0}
 89        # Sum up total nodes, relationshipts and props set
 90        try:
 91            props = summary.counters.properties_set
 92            total_properties_set += props
 93        except Exception as _:
 94            ModuleLogger().debug('No properties set in summary: {summary}')
 96        try:
 97            nodes = summary.counters.nodes_created
 98            total_nodes_created += nodes
 99        except Exception as _:
100            pass
102        try:
103            relationships = summary.counters.relationships_created
104            total_relationships_created += relationships
105        except Exception as _:
106            pass
108    stop = timer()
109    time_to_complete = round((stop - start), 4)
111    return UploadResult(
112        was_successful = True,
113        error_message = None,
114        seconds_to_complete = time_to_complete,
115        nodes_created = total_nodes_created,
116        relationships_created = total_relationships_created,
117        properties_set = total_properties_set
118    )
120def upload(
121    neo4j_creds:(str, str, str), 
122    data: str | dict,
123    node_key : str = "_uid",
124    dedupe_nodes : bool = True,
125    dedupe_relationships : bool = True,
126    should_overwrite: bool = False,
127    database_name: str = 'neo4j',
128    max_batch_size: int = 500,
129    )-> (float, int, int, int):
130    """
131    Uploads a dictionary of simple node and relationship records to a target Neo4j instance specified in the arguments.
133    Args:
134        neo4j_creds: Tuple containing the hostname, username, password, and optionally a database name of the target Neo4j instance. The host name should contain only the database name and not the protocol. For example, if the host name is 'neo4j+s://<unique_db_id>', the host string to use is '<unique_db_id>'. The default database name is 'neo4j'.
136        data: A .json string or dictionary of records to upload. The dictionary keys must contain a 'nodes' and 'relationships' key. The value of which should be a list of dictionaries, each of these dictionaries contain the property keys and values for the nodes and relationships to be uploaded, respectively.
138        node_key: The key in the dictionary that contains the unique identifier for the node. Relationship generation will also use this to find the from and to Nodes it connects to. Default is '_uid'.
140        dedupe_nodes: Should nodes only be created once. False means a new node will always be created. True means if an existing node exists, only the properties will be updated. Default True.
142        dedupe_relationships: Should relationships only create 1 of a given relationship between the same from and to node. False means a new relationship will always be created. True means if an existing relationship exists between the target nodes, only the properties will be updated. If no prior relationship, a new one will be created. Default True.
144        should_overwrite: A boolean indicating whether the upload should overwrite existing data. If set to True, the upload will delete all existing nodes and relationships before uploading. Default is False.
146        database_name: String name of target Neo4j database.
148        max_batch_size: Integer maximum number of nodes or relationships to upload in a single Cypher batch. Default 500.
150    Returns:
151        Tuple of result data: float of time to complete, int of nodes created, int of relationships created, int of total node and relationship properties set.
153    Raises:
154        Exceptions if data is not in the correct format or if the upload ungracefully fails.
155    """
157    # Convert to dictionary if data is string
158    if isinstance(data, str) is True:
159        try:
160            data = json.loads(data)
161        except Exception as e:
162            raise Exception(f'Input data string not a valid JSON format: {e}')
164    if data is None or len(data) == 0:
165        raise Exception(f'data payload is empty or an invalid format')
167    simple_nodes = data.get('nodes', None)
168    simple_rels = data.get('relationships', None)
170    nodes = convert_legacy_node_records(simple_nodes, dedupe_nodes, node_key)
172    rels = convert_legacy_relationship_records(simple_rels, dedupe_relationships, node_key)
174    uri, user, password = neo4j_creds
176    config = Neo4jConfig(
177        neo4j_uri = uri,
178        neo4j_user = user,
179        neo4j_password = password,
180        neo4j_database = database_name,
181        max_batch_size = max_batch_size,
182        overwrite = should_overwrite
183    )
185    return batch_upload(
186        config = config,
187        data = {
188            "nodes": nodes,
189            "relationships": rels
190        }
191    )
193def clear_db(creds: (str, str, str), database: str):
194    """Deletes all existing nodes and relationships in a target Neo4j database.
196    Args:
197        creds (str, str, str): Neo4j URI, username, and password.
198        database (str): Target Neo4j database.
200    Returns:
201        summary (neo4j.ResultSummary): Result summary of the operation. See for more info.
202    """
203    return reset(creds, database)
def start_logging():
16def start_logging():
17    """
18    Enables logging from this module. Log level matches the existing log level of the calling module.
19    """
20    logger = ModuleLogger()
21    logger.is_enabled = True
22"Neo4j Uploader logging enabled")

Enables logging from this module. Log level matches the existing log level of the calling module.

def stop_logging():
24def stop_logging():
25    """
26    Surpresses logging from this module.
27    """
28    ModuleLogger().info(f'Discontinuing logging')
29    ModuleLogger().is_enabled = False

Surpresses logging from this module.

def batch_upload( config: dict | neo4j_uploader.models.Neo4jConfig, data: dict | neo4j_uploader.models.GraphData) -> neo4j_uploader.models.UploadResult:
 32def batch_upload(
 33        config: dict | Neo4jConfig,
 34        data : dict | GraphData,
 35    ) -> UploadResult:
 36    """Uploads a dictionary containing nodes, relationships, and target Neo4j database information. The schema for nodes and relationships is more flexible and comprehensive than the schema for the earlier upload function.
 38    Args:
 39        config (dict or Neo4jConfig): A Neo4jConfig object or dict that can be converted to a Neo4jConfig object for defining target Neo4j database and credentials for upload.
 40        data (dict or GraphData): A GraphData object or a dict that can be converted to a GraphData object with specifications for nodes and relationships to upload
 43    Returns:
 44        UploadResult: Result object containing information regarding a successful or unsuccessful upload.
 46    Raises:
 47        neo4j.exceptions: A Neo4j exception if credentials are invalid or database can not be accessed.
 48        InvalidCredentialsError: If credentials are missing or malformed.
 49        InvalidPayloadError: If payload schema is missing or unsupported.
 50    """
 52    try:
 53        cdata = Neo4jConfig.model_validate(config)
 54    except Exception as e:
 55        raise InvalidCredentialsError(e)
 57    # Will raise a neo4j.exception if credentials failed or database can not be accessed
 58    validate_credentials((cdata.neo4j_uri, cdata.neo4j_user, cdata.neo4j_password))
 60    try:
 61        gdata = GraphData.model_validate(data)
 62    except Exception as e:
 63        raise InvalidPayloadError(e)
 66    # Start clock for tracking processing time
 67    start = timer()
 68    total_nodes_created = 0
 69    total_relationships_created = 0
 70    total_properties_set = 0
 72    # Get list of tuples containing queries and accompanying params for driver execution
 73    query_params = specification_queries(gdata.nodes, cdata)
 74    query_params.extend(specification_queries(gdata.relationships, cdata))
 76    for qp in query_params:
 77        # Run queries and retrieve summary of upload
 78        summary = upload_query(
 79            creds = (cdata.neo4j_uri, cdata.neo4j_user, cdata.neo4j_password),
 80            query = qp[0],
 81            params = qp[1],
 82            database = cdata.neo4j_database
 83        )
 85        # Sample summary result
 86        # {'metadata': {'query': '<query>', 'parameters': {}, 'query_type': 'w', 'plan': None, 'profile': None, 'notifications': None, 'counters': {'_contains_updates': True, 'labels_added': 17, 'nodes_created': 17, 'properties_set': 78}, 'result_available_after': 73, 'result_consumed_after': 0}
 88        # {'metadata': {'query': "<rel_upload_query>", 'parameters': {}, 'query_type': 'w', 'plan': None, 'profile': None, 'notifications': None, 'counters': {'_contains_updates': True, 'relationships_created': 1, 'properties_set': 2}, 'result_available_after': 209, 'result_consumed_after': 0}
 90        # Sum up total nodes, relationshipts and props set
 91        try:
 92            props = summary.counters.properties_set
 93            total_properties_set += props
 94        except Exception as _:
 95            ModuleLogger().debug('No properties set in summary: {summary}')
 97        try:
 98            nodes = summary.counters.nodes_created
 99            total_nodes_created += nodes
100        except Exception as _:
101            pass
103        try:
104            relationships = summary.counters.relationships_created
105            total_relationships_created += relationships
106        except Exception as _:
107            pass
109    stop = timer()
110    time_to_complete = round((stop - start), 4)
112    return UploadResult(
113        was_successful = True,
114        error_message = None,
115        seconds_to_complete = time_to_complete,
116        nodes_created = total_nodes_created,
117        relationships_created = total_relationships_created,
118        properties_set = total_properties_set
119    )

Uploads a dictionary containing nodes, relationships, and target Neo4j database information. The schema for nodes and relationships is more flexible and comprehensive than the schema for the earlier upload function.

  • config (dict or Neo4jConfig): A Neo4jConfig object or dict that can be converted to a Neo4jConfig object for defining target Neo4j database and credentials for upload.
  • data (dict or GraphData): A GraphData object or a dict that can be converted to a GraphData object with specifications for nodes and relationships to upload

UploadResult: Result object containing information regarding a successful or unsuccessful upload.

  • neo4j.exceptions: A Neo4j exception if credentials are invalid or database can not be accessed.
  • InvalidCredentialsError: If credentials are missing or malformed.
  • InvalidPayloadError: If payload schema is missing or unsupported.
def upload( neo4j_creds: (<class 'str'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'str'>), data: str | dict, node_key: str = '_uid', dedupe_nodes: bool = True, dedupe_relationships: bool = True, should_overwrite: bool = False, database_name: str = 'neo4j', max_batch_size: int = 500) -> (<class 'float'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'int'>):
121def upload(
122    neo4j_creds:(str, str, str), 
123    data: str | dict,
124    node_key : str = "_uid",
125    dedupe_nodes : bool = True,
126    dedupe_relationships : bool = True,
127    should_overwrite: bool = False,
128    database_name: str = 'neo4j',
129    max_batch_size: int = 500,
130    )-> (float, int, int, int):
131    """
132    Uploads a dictionary of simple node and relationship records to a target Neo4j instance specified in the arguments.
134    Args:
135        neo4j_creds: Tuple containing the hostname, username, password, and optionally a database name of the target Neo4j instance. The host name should contain only the database name and not the protocol. For example, if the host name is 'neo4j+s://<unique_db_id>', the host string to use is '<unique_db_id>'. The default database name is 'neo4j'.
137        data: A .json string or dictionary of records to upload. The dictionary keys must contain a 'nodes' and 'relationships' key. The value of which should be a list of dictionaries, each of these dictionaries contain the property keys and values for the nodes and relationships to be uploaded, respectively.
139        node_key: The key in the dictionary that contains the unique identifier for the node. Relationship generation will also use this to find the from and to Nodes it connects to. Default is '_uid'.
141        dedupe_nodes: Should nodes only be created once. False means a new node will always be created. True means if an existing node exists, only the properties will be updated. Default True.
143        dedupe_relationships: Should relationships only create 1 of a given relationship between the same from and to node. False means a new relationship will always be created. True means if an existing relationship exists between the target nodes, only the properties will be updated. If no prior relationship, a new one will be created. Default True.
145        should_overwrite: A boolean indicating whether the upload should overwrite existing data. If set to True, the upload will delete all existing nodes and relationships before uploading. Default is False.
147        database_name: String name of target Neo4j database.
149        max_batch_size: Integer maximum number of nodes or relationships to upload in a single Cypher batch. Default 500.
151    Returns:
152        Tuple of result data: float of time to complete, int of nodes created, int of relationships created, int of total node and relationship properties set.
154    Raises:
155        Exceptions if data is not in the correct format or if the upload ungracefully fails.
156    """
158    # Convert to dictionary if data is string
159    if isinstance(data, str) is True:
160        try:
161            data = json.loads(data)
162        except Exception as e:
163            raise Exception(f'Input data string not a valid JSON format: {e}')
165    if data is None or len(data) == 0:
166        raise Exception(f'data payload is empty or an invalid format')
168    simple_nodes = data.get('nodes', None)
169    simple_rels = data.get('relationships', None)
171    nodes = convert_legacy_node_records(simple_nodes, dedupe_nodes, node_key)
173    rels = convert_legacy_relationship_records(simple_rels, dedupe_relationships, node_key)
175    uri, user, password = neo4j_creds
177    config = Neo4jConfig(
178        neo4j_uri = uri,
179        neo4j_user = user,
180        neo4j_password = password,
181        neo4j_database = database_name,
182        max_batch_size = max_batch_size,
183        overwrite = should_overwrite
184    )
186    return batch_upload(
187        config = config,
188        data = {
189            "nodes": nodes,
190            "relationships": rels
191        }
192    )

Uploads a dictionary of simple node and relationship records to a target Neo4j instance specified in the arguments.

  • neo4j_creds: Tuple containing the hostname, username, password, and optionally a database name of the target Neo4j instance. The host name should contain only the database name and not the protocol. For example, if the host name is 'neo4j+s://', the host string to use is ''. The default database name is 'neo4j'.
  • data: A .json string or dictionary of records to upload. The dictionary keys must contain a 'nodes' and 'relationships' key. The value of which should be a list of dictionaries, each of these dictionaries contain the property keys and values for the nodes and relationships to be uploaded, respectively.
  • node_key: The key in the dictionary that contains the unique identifier for the node. Relationship generation will also use this to find the from and to Nodes it connects to. Default is '_uid'.
  • dedupe_nodes: Should nodes only be created once. False means a new node will always be created. True means if an existing node exists, only the properties will be updated. Default True.
  • dedupe_relationships: Should relationships only create 1 of a given relationship between the same from and to node. False means a new relationship will always be created. True means if an existing relationship exists between the target nodes, only the properties will be updated. If no prior relationship, a new one will be created. Default True.
  • should_overwrite: A boolean indicating whether the upload should overwrite existing data. If set to True, the upload will delete all existing nodes and relationships before uploading. Default is False.
  • database_name: String name of target Neo4j database.
  • max_batch_size: Integer maximum number of nodes or relationships to upload in a single Cypher batch. Default 500.

Tuple of result data: float of time to complete, int of nodes created, int of relationships created, int of total node and relationship properties set.

  • Exceptions if data is not in the correct format or if the upload ungracefully fails.
def clear_db(creds: (<class 'str'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'str'>), database: str):
194def clear_db(creds: (str, str, str), database: str):
195    """Deletes all existing nodes and relationships in a target Neo4j database.
197    Args:
198        creds (str, str, str): Neo4j URI, username, and password.
199        database (str): Target Neo4j database.
201    Returns:
202        summary (neo4j.ResultSummary): Result summary of the operation. See for more info.
203    """
204    return reset(creds, database)

Deletes all existing nodes and relationships in a target Neo4j database.

  • creds (str, str, str): Neo4j URI, username, and password.
  • database (str): Target Neo4j database.

summary (neo4j.ResultSummary): Result summary of the operation. See for more info.